

The correct way to breathe is to inhale and  exhale using only our nose:

Our nose filters, humidifies and tempers the air and that is how it should enter our lungs.

By releasing air through our nose we clean it from the remains that have been retained. In summer we avoid it drying out and in winter we avoid it freezing.

Breathing should be soft, subtle and deep. Air is not filtered the same way if it is humidified and tempered in a rapid and violent inhalation of one or two seconds or if we do it in a subtle way using between four and six seconds to inhale.

With exhalation, the same thing happens, but it takes a little longer.

Breathing should be diaphragmatic or abdominal, as when we open and close our diaphragm, we perform a slight and very beneficial massage to our abdomen and all our organs there (liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc.).

This is the basic breathing that we do in our day to day even when we are asleep, to rest well.

Further on we can learn other types of hyperventilation or hypoventilation techniques, used in yoga or by professional singers and wind instruments. But this is our way of basic breathing.

The theory of breathing was studied in 1904 by Christian Borh in the so-called “Borh effect” which, in a very summarized  way, means that by breathing more and quickly you will not get the necessary oxygen to feed your cells, but rather the opposite result.

Our lungs need a microclimate of 6.5% co2 so that our haemoglobin transports  oxygen correctly  where it is most needed, for example to our skin to keep it smooth and hydrated, or to our cells to avoid premature aging.

What happens to us when we breathe too much?

When our brain detects any type of aggression (environmental pollution, noise, light, stress, etc) it prepares our body to face it or to run away from it (combat or escape response) causing us to start with HYPERVENTILATION.



Our respiratory function is in charge of supplying us with the necessary air to obtain oxygen, carbon dioxide and other important components, but until 1904 there is no serious study to tells us how this function  works;

the Bohr effect;

The Bohr effect is published in 1904 by the Danish physiologist Christian Bohr (father of the physicist Niels Bohr), which states that with lower pH (more acid, more hydrogen), haemoglobin will bind to oxygen with less affinity, as  carbon dioxide is directly related to the concentration of hydrogen ions (H ions), released in the dissociation of CO which ultimately leads to a decrease in the oxygen affinity of haemoglobin, this, more understandably, means that in our lungs must maintain a microclimate containing about a 6, 5% of carbon dioxide, so that our haemoglobin transports the greatest possible amount of oxygen in our blood.  Due to that if we breathe more than we should, we will lose a percentage of carbon dioxide and the haemoglobin will transport less oxygen which is necessary for our normal functioning.

What happens then?

Our brain, upon detecting that it is receiving less oxygen than necessary, generates mucus in our bronchioles to limit the entrance of air and adjust the amount of CO2 in our lungs, we notice that our nose (which is our only organ designed to breathe since it filters, humidifies and tempers the air) begins to become clogged, We decide to breathe through our mouths, which we use to breathe three times more air, without filtering, moistening or tempering it, causing us to get even less oxygen, which causes the brain to panic, alters our central nervous system and depresses our immune system, which opens the door to disease.

 When we lose our health, we also say goodbye to our happiness.

¿Alguna duda?