
Do you know what you breath?

Every day of our lives our brain is able to breathe automatically. It can activate muscles  20,000 times and filter about 10,000 liters of air daily.

However, the air that we breath normally is excessively polluted with bacteria and polluting particles. Our lungs act as a filter that prevents these harmful particles  reaching our bloodstream, but many of these eventually settle into our system.

When the air you breathe is not pure.

When air passes through your nose, part of it remains in the places where it passes and another part goes directly your lungs cells.

Our natural defense system reacts against these foreign bodies and generates inflammation that can be highly dangerous. This produces an irritation that can cause many diseases such as COPD or cancer.

Thanks to advances in science, we know that harmful particles in the air cross the barriers of our lungs, reaching our bloodstream and from there, to the rest of our organs. Sometimes the barriers of these organs are capable of stopping their advance and in other cases, our immune system is responsible for inactivating them.

It has been found that airborne particles can even reach the fetus of pregnant women.

What is the problem?

These particles cannot be eliminated by themselves and our body accumulates them, often creating a disease that is difficult to cure.

How does polluted air affect our body?

Our lungs are the most affected organ by the pollution of our environment. People who have some type of respiratory disease should monitor the quality of the air they breathe.

Another organ that is directly affected is our heart. On days of high pollution, hormones associated with stress are released, causing more opportunities for heart attacks, arrhythmias or even sudden death. The constant level of inflammation accelerates the natural aging process of our body and causes our arteries to become rigid, facilitating the accumulation of cholesterol in our bloodstream. Thus, pollution is also associated with rhinitis, brain diseases and mood disorders.

 Can you do something to have cleaner air?

It is obvious that if we breathe 10,000 liters of air per day, we are exposed to air pollution. We cannot stop breathing, so we have no choice but to really start taking care of the world we live in if we want our children and grandchildren to have a healthy future. Without a doubt, the greatest responsibility of taking care of the air in the cities where we live is of our Town Halls .

However, there are certain things we can do to help:

 Breathe correctly, As you  breathe  the air and therefore pollution and bacteria. -Use electric vehicles that do not cause pollution.

 Avoid using polluting products.

Use public transport or shared vehicles.

Use energy efficiently.

Reduce the use of firewood. As you have seen, the air we breathe is necessary for our health.

Try to breathe the pure air of the mountains whenever possible and follow the advice that we have given you to give your loved ones a healthy and clean world.

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